A ‘Hand’Made’ Home

 I like using little hand-made touches throughout the house – it just makes it feel more homey to me.

It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic, I’m not an artist or a sculpter, but I love trying things out (even if they don’t work, yes crotchet, I’m looking at you).

For example, in our very, very small bathroom I decided to go for a sea theme. Cue new pull-cord characters:

Taken from a book of knitting patterns by Jean Geenhowe, these little guys are supposed to be used as toys I suppose but by using slightly different sized needles I was able to make them smaller and after a LOT of persuading, got a large darning needle to take the cord through!

For the walls, I kept with the ‘sea’ theme but decided to go for a bit of silk painting. Throw in some frames for each picture and voila:

I really like how they turned out. 

In other places around the house, you’ll find my efforts to add a little cheer, a little smile, hey, a little love……

Made from salt dough….

Time for felt……..

Ms Jean Greenhowe once again – add essential oil for sweet-smelling flowers…

Since we live near the beach, paper mache time…

As a gardener and big fan of Jean Greenhowe’s designs…

Its not just round the house that gets these personal touches you know, oh no, big ocassions also call for attention.

Yep, you guessed it – Jean Greenhowe again!

I just find her designs so easy to understand and they (usually) turn out great.

So there you have it, how to use hand-made to make a home and now that Autumn is here, I can’t wait to see what else I can add!!!

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