Signs of Ageing

Is it a sign you’re getting older

When the year just passes by

And in the middle of November

You wish it was July?

Is it a sign you’re getting older

When the ice is not your friend

Its just harder to get up

Because your back and knees won’t bend?

Is it a sign you’re getting older

When the people you admire

Are slowing down from day to day

And are ready to retire?

Is it a sign you’re getting older

When going out you’d rather

Wear a heavy coat, a scarf and gloves

And a furry balaclava?

Is it a sign you’re getting older

When your idea of fun

Is not building the snowman

But watching kids make one?

Is it a sign you’re getting older

When your best friends are few

Or is that just getting wiser

As they think more of you?

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