Highland Games in Nairn, Scotland 2023

Every year our seaside town hosts the last free Highland Games – you have to pay to get in to all the others! We also have a large fairground but if you want to sound like a local you have to call them ‘the showies’.

There are events ranging from piping competitions, traditional dancing, tug-o-war, the heavies who throw large things about, races galore, long jump and its all rounded off with the massed pipe band parade around the venue.

This year was very well attended – just the sight of the queues at the various food stalls would tell you that! You could have your pick from burgers, bratwurst, fish and chips and ice cream to name a few – I can’t list them all because I didn’t eat anything! The beer tent was also well attended – again I didn’t partake, honestly. The charity stalls had tombolas aplenty which happen to be a bit of a weakness of mine but sadly I won nothing. I did however, manage to capture some pictures and put together a short video to give you a feel for the day.

I hope you enjoy!

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2 responses to “Highland Games in Nairn, Scotland 2023”

  1. In my running days (very long ago) when we lived near Fort William I used to go to Highland Games to run in the hill races. I don’t suppose that Nairn has a hill race but it might have some other event for distance runners.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for commenting. On Games Day there is a half marathon among other races. In my video you can just see some of the runners coming in past all the other goings on in the ring! We do indeed have races, earlier in the year. We have a 10K and a family 5K (which I’ve never done!). I did make a very short youtube video about this years races which can be found here: https://youtu.be/HC5XSQ4fdqQ
      It will show you a little of our town as well!



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