Is It Time We Stopped Buying These?!!

(The podcast episode related to this post can be found here:

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking as I skip merrily up and down the aisles of our local supermarkets searching for a jar of this or a bottle of that and I’ve come to a couple of conclusions.

  1. There are too many ingredients I don’t understand in the food.
  2. I can make this myself.

With that in mind, I’ve come up with a list of things we should have a go at making ourselves – it doesn’t need to be all the time but if you buy these things, check out the ingredients and you might be in for a surprise!

If you are looking for recipes for these, a few good places to start which I use are sites like the Good Food site (hate to point anyone near BBC but the recipes are good!), Tesco recipes are also surprisingly good and of course Mr Jamie Oliver’s website.

So, my question remains: “Why are you still buying these?”:

  1. Mayonnaise
  2. Salad cream
  3. Salad dressing
  4. Spaghetti/pasta sauce
  5. Bread (of some sort)
  6. Crackers/breadsticks
  7. Dips
  8. Breaded chicken/fish
  9. Pizza
  10. Curry sauce
  11. Cordials

Thats what I came up with and discuss in my podcast but I would be really interested to hear what others make instead of buy.

If you don’t make any of the items listed here, I challenge you this week, to pick one and have a go at making your own – and come back to let us know how it went!

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