Why Didn’t I See It Before?

Our garden isn’t big – front or back.

Our allotment is 10m x 20m – mental note to self to show you more photos of it.

However, in the garden, I have planted several pots of herbs, veg and have tried to sow flower seeds wherever I can find a gap.

What I’m finding though, is when I’m going out to take some photos of whats happening in the garden, I’ve been focussing on the tomatoes (probably because they’re the best I’ve ever managed!), fruit or suggestively shaped veg (see post: When every week is a rollercoaster).

“Don’t forget the flowers”, I tell myself. Then I think there aren’t enough to take pictures of as I tend to concentrate on what we can eat or use medicinally. This brings me to last night when I’m at the kitchen sink, mindlessly doing the dishes and I’m staring out the window. A thought flashed through my mind – “How the hell did I not see that before?”

In the back garden there is a bird table with sections for plants underneath and I realised it was covered with feverfew in full bloom. Just to the right is a small tub with cosmos coming to bloom and a gorgeous liffle sunflower.

Colour, elegance, variety, shape, height – how did I not see this before?

It made me stop and wonder: I stand here several times a day (the kitchen sink), everyday and I’m only noticing this now. If I’ve missed this, what else have I missed? What do I see every day but not notice? What do I walk past and not register?

What has become so automatic as to go unseen?

Note to self: don’t just stop and smell the flowers – notice them, appreciate them, enjoy them to the fullest – and then photograph them:

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