Laziness or Divine Intervention?

If you’re a regular reader of this blog you’ll be aware of the issues I’ve had at the allotment this year. Of all the things I thought were problems caused by something I’d done, one that constantly niggled at the back of my brain, was the fact I hadn’t finished sewing a new zip onto the cover of the greenhouse which is actually yellow. I was even more vexed I hadn’t been able to replace the cover completely.

Now, I’m delighted.


Allow me to share…..

Dearest Son and I went to the allotment at the weekend and I checked around as usual to take mental notes of whats to be done. I left checking the ‘yellow-house’ till last as I knew it was full of weeds. What a surprise I got!

The tomato plant in there is HUGE – biggest I’ve ever seen. Totally neglected – no pinching out growing tips or cutting off lower branches. I pulled a lot of the weeds out of the way so I could get a better look. Its absolutely thriving and is the healthiest looking tomato plant I’ve ever grown. Thinking it was just lots of green leaves, I was happy to let it grow there as long as it wants but on closer inspection, I found clumps of actual beefsteak tomatoes! Still green but there. Heres the kicker – the cover on the yellow-house is just netting and therefore full of holes. Holes which have let all the rain in which was a good thing as I’m only getting up there about once a week.

The other surprise I got was the random squash I planted on the other side of the yellow-house. I lost the label so I don’t know what its called but I do know what its doing and that is travelling. Right out the door as it turns out, which, if I’d completed sewing on the zip, it wouldn’t be able to do!

So, there was me thinking the yellow-house was a total disaster as I didn’t get cucumbers this year, and it turns out, I have a mega-mato plant and a wandering squash! Neither of which would have happened if I’d finished sewing on the zip or changed the cover.

So, my question is – was this laziness on my part or Divine Intervention leading me away from the tasks I had planned but never got around to? Was this surprise hit destined to be – or was I just lucky?

I’m delighted either way!

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2 responses to “Laziness or Divine Intervention?”

  1. I wish I had the energy and patience to garden. Glad you got a tomato tree!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m quite a lazy gardener! I start off good but come August/September, I lose the momentum and rely on the plants to do their thing.



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