Dog Biscuits – healthy, cheap and easy to make!

I’m on a bit of a ‘dog’ theme lately as I do my best to help Scooby back to full health.

As part of that, I’m trying not to to buy commercial dog treats – just as I’ve drastically cut down on what human treats I buy.

So far, the easiest and cheapest treat I have found for Scooby is: Sardine biscuits. Sound gross but I’ve yet to find a dog who doesn’t like them.

The following recipe makes a lot of biscuits but you can just use half as I did in the photos below:

2 tins of sardines in sunflower oil

300g (about 10oz) oats

either 60g (2oz) wholemeal flour or 50g (1.5oz) plain flour and 10g (just under half oz) wheatgerm

Splash of water

  • Tip the sardines into a bowl (and the oil from their tins) and mash well with a fork.
  • Add the oats and flour and mix well
  • Add enough water to make a dough
  • Roll onto floured board – about half a cm thick – if you to too think they’ll be brittle and if they are too thick they take ages to bake.
  • Cut out shapes with cookie cutter and put on lined baking tray
  • Bake in oven at 190C (375F) for 25 mins approx – they’ll be slightly browned on top.
  • Let cool on wire rack and try to keep pooch away till they’re ready!

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