Gardening Honesty

As much as I would love to show you pictures of the allotment looking fabulous, it isn’t the case. As in life, you need to pick through the thorns to find the real gems….or some similar metaphor type phrase.

With that being said, heres a rundown from our last visit to the plot:

From the left; thats the big neglected tomato plant

top right and down; success with the pumpkin! More beetroot showing and the squash thats walking right out the ‘yellowhouse’ door (theres a post called ‘laziness or divine intervention’ explaining more about that)

Then theres a sunflower and a few shots to show the mess we have to deal with during our next visit!

The last photo is me fixing a new lock on the gate – a sad necessity – but with some good power tools I think I might be able to fix the world!!

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