I know its early – but if you want this for Christmas you need to start now!

It’s not my fault – it takes 3 months to get this baby ready for drinking!

Another post about alcohol, I hear you cry? Absolutely!

Not only is this a real treat, its adaptable. I’ve used gin but you can make this with vodka, rum – pretty much any clear version of the falling down stuff.

You will need:

A 75cl bottle of alcohol of your choice (yes I know thats a litre bottle in the picture, don’t question me!)

450 g raspberries

200g sugar

Put all things into a big jar, put the lid on and shake well.

Do the shaking thing everyday for the first month, then about once a week for the next 2 months.

Then pour it through a sieve which is lined with muslin, into a nice clean bottle of your choice and enjoy!

Its the only jar I could find!

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