Happy Compost

Worms Worms Worms = Happy Compost!

I thought I would share with you what I found when I lifted the lid off one of my compost bins at the allotment at the weekend.

I had taken the bucket I keep in the kitchen for peelings, cardboard, scraps etc. When it gets full I take it up to the allotment, empty it into one of the dalek style bins then bring the empty bucket home to start the process again. It’s just a normal black bucket but I use a shower cap on the top to keep the heat and smell in and the flies out!

I took it to the allotment on Sunday to carry out this procedure but when I went to lift the lid off the ‘dalek’, I thought, “ooh, that’s different”. It felt very heavy for a start which was strange because it’s just plastic and usually pops off easily. When I managed to get the lid off, this is what I saw!

I admit I had to remind myself, this is a good thing!

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2 responses to “Happy Compost”

  1. Definitely a very good thing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It still creeps me out though!



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