This tip from Mrs Hinch blows my mind

Ok, I admit it, I don’t follow Mrs Hinch on the social sphere. I am aware of her only from the merchandise I’ve seen in the shops. However, I did come across one of her books in the second hand place we visited earlier this week (see post from Wednesday). We get 3 books for £1 there so I took hers to make up the numbers but I’m quite glad I did as there is a tip I’ve found which I am finding quite useful already.

If you’ve been keeping up with the blog or youtube channel, or podcast for that matter, you’ll be aware we have a lurcher called Scooby. He isn’t the hairiest dog but he does still shed, a lot. If you have a dog, you’ll know it doesn’t matter how much you hoover, you’re hairy child will still find a way to leave their fluff all over your floor. The tip from Mrs Hinch involves using a regular old “squeegee/window scraper” to scrape up the fluff!

I was intrigued – so I gave it a go.

I hoovered the carpet, then gave it a good old scrape to see if any more hair could be found – I got a shock!

Not a huge amount but still more than I was expecting. So, a useful tip for the areas Scooby uses the most. Being asthmatic and technically allergic to dogs, I need to remove as much of his fluff as possible, so between this little trick and my trusty Hoover Whirlwind, I feel I can keep on top of Scooby’s fluff trails!

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