Christmas Lights Switch On, Nairn, Scotland (yes with bagpipes!)

Its amazing how quickly things come around. Only 5 minutes ago I was posting a video on YT about the Christmas lights switch on – which didn’t go on. And yet, at the weekend, the town turned out to see the lights get switched on for Christmas 2023!

The main roads were closed to traffic as stalls were put up offering everything from tombolas raising money for rescued huskies to locally produced plants, beverages, honey, cakes, clothes, decorations and the like. People meandered slowly up and down the streets, enjoying the atmosphere and goodies on offer. Even the community and arts centre was wall to wall with tables covered in all sorts of things crafted and created by talented locals.

We walked around everything – slowly, bumping into people, dodging prams and trying to give way to those in wheelchairs and mobility scooters. It was great! Everyone seemed to enjoy the day which came to an end with all of us gathered to countdown from 10 to the Christmas lights coming on from one end of the high street to the other – which was met with cheers, applause and excited squeals from the young kids.

Its the last big thing on the calendar here so I make sure not to miss it, as I can honestly say I really enjoy seeing so many of us out together, having fun and enjoying the atmosphere.

What can I say? I love it!

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2 responses to “Christmas Lights Switch On, Nairn, Scotland (yes with bagpipes!)”

  1. Our lights don’t go on until next Saturday so we have that to look forward to still.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you’ll be taking photos to show us!



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