(Herbal) Lotions and Potions

I am a happy novice when it comes to making my own creams, balms, lotions and salves but I do like to give it a go. I have made a few in the past and they turned out ok albeit with some room for improvement!

Many lessons have already been learned such as comfrey might be great, but it stinks or you can’t skip the part that calls for an emulsifier when making a cream (don’t ask).

I have been looking for something to help my hands as I have recurrent contact dermatitis – I only have to wash 1 cup without my gloves on and that night I’ll wake myself up scratching my hands to bits. After some research I found pot marigold aka calendula is great for skin. I know others are too but calendula is what I had a lot of. I also thought it would make a nice addition to a basket I’m making as a Christmas gift, along with the lemon balm lip balm I made which should be good at keeping cold sores at bay. I find the cold particularly harsh on my lips so need something to help them survive the season.

I love being able to use my plants from the summer at this time of year. It takes me back to warmer, sunnier times and I feel so glad I put the time in to grow, weed, harvest and dry them. Having that connection to the allotment when I can’t physically be there just makes me happy. I realise that sounds simplistic but thats what it does.

The photos will show you the process of how I made the ointment and lip balm. Also shown in the photos are the small bottles of nettle tincture I’ve prepared for next years hayfever season.

To see the jars, pots etc I used please click the links or go to my ‘Recommendations’ page (affiliate links will take you to Amazon)

Infused oil at the ready!
Melting the wax
Added the infused oil
Selecting containers for lip balm and the creams
Love love love the difference in colour.
The result of an evenings work!

(dropper bottles)

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One response to “(Herbal) Lotions and Potions”

  1. Looking forward to reading more about your healing products adventure!

    Liked by 1 person


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