Christmas Limbo

Does everyone else experience this – the Christmas Limbo?

All the excitement and build up has come and gone. New Year isn’t here yet and doesn’t have the same feeling it did when I was younger. Don’t get me wrong, I still appreciate the ‘clean slate’ feel but nothing really changes, or does it?

There are people near us who have the Christmas decorations up by the end of November but they are down the day after Christmas, or Boxing Day as we call it in the UK. I wonder if its to avoid the limbo or is it just so they have something to do? I sort of understand it; Christmas day has gone yet the house is still decorated. We are torn between wanting everyday to still feel like Christmas and that part of us that wants to ‘get back to normal’. Or is it just me?

I love the lights, the decorations, lounging about and not ‘having to do’ this or that. I am finding though, despite all this, I have been unable to find my ‘off’ switch. My brain is constantly buzzing with thoughts whizzing through home-school topics, garden plans, podcast episodes, blog posts, meal plans – on top of all the usual things around the house that need to be done!

Do we ever ‘switch off’?

Maybe its the routine I had gotten into that I miss.

Or maybe I need to re-learn the routine of holiday. I have to train myself to slow down and realise it all gets done, there is no need for urgency.

So today I have planned the following – tackle the big pile of ironing, feed the troops and lounge on the sofa with my book and a coffee!

I have no plans for tomorrow.

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6 responses to “Christmas Limbo”

  1. I totally understand this feeling. This is a busy time of year for us and I haven’t rested a bit. We have Christmas then 2 birthdays all before new years. (2 of my daughters share a birthday yesterday)
    My decor won’t be down likely til the 2nd week of January. Then bleak winter shall set in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We had 2 birthdays before Christmas! (Hubby and Scooby – I know he is a dog but he still gets presents!). My post on coming up on Monday might help you see January a little differently. I hope so anyway!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I follow several UK folks. Where are you? I’m on the East Coast of the US.

    Gearing up for the holiday season can frazzle anyone. Shifting gears to “normal” may take some gear grease. Ha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree! I’m in North East Scotland

      Liked by 1 person

      1. OH! I would love to see your part of the world. I am Clan MacPherson thru my paternal line. My state, North Carolina, has a large Scottish presence here. The Grandfather Mountain Highland Games are huge.

        I’ve been following a Stewart, somewhere around Glasgow, chart music…

        And, a Gary in Yorkshire…

        Liked by 1 person

  3. It is fun to ‘switch off’ from time to time – it is good for the soul!

    Liked by 1 person


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