Salmon and pasta just go so well together!

I don’t put up many recipes really as this isn’t a food only sort of blog so when I do, it’s because I’ve done something a little bit special!

I managed to get some smoked salmon for New Year and had put it in the freezer till I needed it. I had a look around in the fridge and this is what I came up with (full list of ingredients at the bottom):

Melt some coconut oil and cook the shallots and pepper for a minute or two then add the pumpkin.
After a minute add a little water to steam the pumpkin so it goes all soft and lovely
Now add the peas and chopped up salmon pieces (cook pasta around now) add a little more water if it looks dry as you will be making a sauce
Put the pasta into the pan along with some cream, a handful of grated cheese, some thyme and sage. Stir well till cheese is melted.
Serve with a little sprinkle of cheese on the top!

Ingredients used:

Coconut oil

2 Shallots

1 Red pepper

handful raw pumpkin, cubed

handful peas

smoked salmon


double cream

grated cheese



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4 responses to “Salmon and pasta just go so well together!”

  1. Now that is one very creative recipe – yum!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was so good we had it the next night as well!


  2. This recipe looks and sounds so delicious!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Clean plates all round!



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