Decluttering and Re-organising

I keep hearing about how everyone is going decluttering crazy and it’s a topic I want to delve into deeper at a later date.

However, this week I find I haven’t just been decluttering, I have been re-organising, and I have to tell you it does several jobs all at once:

  1. It automatically declutters as you see what you haven’t used and never will use.
  2. It automatically tidies – you aren’t going to put things away in the same state you find them.
  3. You will feel cleansed after it’s done – honestly. I did 2 drawers in the kitchen and my herb/spice cupboard and when I was done I couldn’t help but do a wee happy jig round the kitchen.

I don’t think I can claim that as scientific evidence but its as close as I’m going to get!

So, get decluttered, get re-organising and get happy (jigs optional!).

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3 responses to “Decluttering and Re-organising”

  1. I don’t agree with that at all. Re-organising in my case just involves moving a mess from one place to another to no discernible benefit. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like you need more practise!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally believe in celebrating accomplishments – yes to a “wee happy jig round the kitchen.”!!!!

    Liked by 1 person


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