10 Steps to help you look after you!

  1. Get good sleep and plenty of it – but not too much apparently! I’ve been reading that between 6.5 – 8 hours is the optimal. Do check the condition of your mattress and pillows and update if needed and you are able.
  2. Hydrate to help you feel great! Remember it doesn’t have to be plain water; herbal teas, cordials and infused waters all count.
  3. Do something that makes you happy, every day.
  4. Try to keep a positive state of mind. Being a positive person can actually help boost your immune system.
  5. Make a daily to-do list, then prioritise and delegate as much as you can.
  6. Stop listening to and believeing propaganda – switch off the tv and radio and ignore the papers! Remember, the more ‘they’ say it, the less likely it is to be true!
  7. If you can’t do anything about ‘it’, stop worrying about ‘it’!
  8. Listen to music – it helps to boost your mood and more. Listen to my podcast episode to find out other ways you can use music to help you every day, including healing from illness/operations: https://MySliceofLife.podbean.com/e/s3-ep-7-how-we-can-use-music-to-help-us-everyday/
  9. Eat well and remember to eat slowly.
  10. Do something to keep you active, be it walking, running, dancing round the kitchen – whatever you like!

Can you think of other things to add – what helps you to look after you every day?

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6 responses to “10 Steps to help you look after you!”

  1. Here’s one I’d add… Start the day slowly. It might be listening to music, mentioned above. It might be some alone time walking or meditating. In my case I do 2 small things. I listen to Insight Timer and after that I read a page of ‘The Daily Stoic’.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I like that! Def added to the list.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, these are all so wonderful! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “what helps you to look after you every day?” – Mrs Tootlepedal – the one essential element of happiness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, that’s lovely!



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