Making beautiful from ugly

Isn’t it funny how some things look really ugly when you first see them? You would be forgiven for turning your head away on first glance if you saw these for example:

Sitting in a bucket waiting for something to happen to them while they try to grow some more!

Not the prettiest bunch I think you’ll agree – but wait –

After a little scrubbing I start to see them a little differently.

I came up with the idea that they might make the basis for a lovely soup – add some spices and hey presto:

It really did turn into something beautiful and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

In fact, I will be picking some more ugly beasts from the allotment and making them into something beautiful very soon!

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5 responses to “Making beautiful from ugly”

  1. Hello blogger, I enjoyed reading your post. I subscribed. See you often. Have a happy and bright day. ^^*


  2. Mrs Tootlepedal’s favourites when it comes to making soup.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree – and leeks!


    1. Got more cooking as we ‘speak’!



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