Garden Improvements – Preparing for Spring

I have been out working in the garden over the last few days, trying to make it look presentable for Spring. We had a bit of damage during the recent storms so I had to put the mini greenhouses back together before I could begin! I have also decided to save up for a proper greenhouse – I’ve never had one so I’m very excited about that idea! We do have a ‘green’ type of polytunnel at the allotment, which if you’ve kept up with that part of my blog, you will know it is yellow, leaks and has no door at the moment! That’s a job for another day – back to the garden.

I decided to cut back the raspberries first, which grow along the side of the shed. They are Autumn fruiting so the easiest to look after – just cut all canes back and they will grow new ones from the base.

Cut up the old canes to use as mulch for the new ones

I also decided to prune the apple trees, the blackcurrant bush and my mystery plant - It grew in from another plot so I don’t know what it is yet! I had to be severe with my pruning, with the apples in particular as their growth is a little weak. I will add new compost and seaweed to their pots later in the week:

This is the ‘before’ – you can see how weak it it
This is the group of pots at the back
I hope you can see this ok! I went to town with the clippers!!

There was another area needing work – its not finished but I have made a good start.

Disaster corner
I have put in my elder cutting and yarrow

There were a couple of other jobs done too:

Tidying up the base of the bird table
I was given this as a ‘bramble’ plant but I think it might be summer rasps

All in all, not bad for one cold February weekend. I am happy with the progress and will keep working on the side that now has the elder plant in it. Thats where I have a cherry tree, plum and pear trees. They are all supposed to be ‘dwarf’ but they are looking pretty big to me. The plums are supposed to be a variety called black amber, but mine are yellow so I have no idea what type I really have!

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4 responses to “Garden Improvements – Preparing for Spring”

    1. Trying to do a bit here and there when I get time inbetween allotment visits!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Raspberries are one of my families’ favorite fruits – we don’t grow them but sure love to eat them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The autumn ones are sooooo easy to grow – and really brighten up an outside building!



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