Got our dog a new ‘toy’ – but will it work with him?

Will our dog like a lick mat, I wondered to myself while in a wonder shop that sold everything recently. You realise I only went in for compost but I am easily distracted!

I wasn’t sure – and neither was he, but with a little encouragement, our furry pal, Scooby, got over his fear of ‘licking’ a door:

I am going to try a few different treats on it and see which is his favourite. The one in the video is ‘dog peanut butter’ and is not his favourite kind! Have you tried anything like this before? What is your pets favourite treat on it if you do use them?

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2 responses to “Got our dog a new ‘toy’ – but will it work with him?”

  1. I hope it will be successful! Dog free at this time, but I appreciate all the interactive dog toys etc. that are on the market.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It turns out the peanut butter only worked that once but when I put a beef paste on it that was a different story! He wouldn’t leave it alone!

      Liked by 1 person


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