The Comfort of Solitude

I sit outside

on cool dry grass,

just me, on my own.

I have the sun

and the gentle breeze.

I sigh contentedly

– enjoy the quiet

– enjoy the calm.

A loud buzz lets me know

of a bee’s approach.

I watch him bounce from flower to flower.

Does he see me, I wonder?

Others join him but all are alone.

Doing their own thing

in a shared busy space.

I ‘feel’ him before I see him.

A regular blur,

before coming into view.

My robin – my garden friend

who often visits

to share our space of the world.

We give our now regular greetings

and off he hops,

all around me

as if to say with a happy tone:

“I’m on my own too”! –

I know what he means

as we share

the comfort of solitude.

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