Tackling February gardening jobs and trying a new compost

I finally managed to get the line of fruit trees tidied up in the back yard today – whooppeeee! Even though the rain started, I kept at it and finished the weeding, edging, putting down new compost and sticking in a few bulbs which I found in a bucket (they were already sprouting and needed a new home asap).

Sorry for the slight fuzzy look – it’s not your eyes!
All done and tidied, with bulbs growing here and there!

As any gardener will tell you, finding a good compost is a bit anxiety producing every year. The stuff isn’t the cheapest but you need it and I discovered the one I usually buy seems to be the same price as last year but in a smaller pack….I will keep an eye on that situation and report back if it improves. Until then I will tell you I have been happily surprised by the compost I did go for.

This is the make…
..and the moment of truth, when you first open it

I have bought others in the past and as soon as you open it you find stones, chunks of woodchip and the like but I have used 2 bags of this so far and have found them both to be just what I was looking for. No wood or stones or lumps of mysterious substances – just good looking compost. I bought mine in a store called ‘The Range’ which has these bags (80l) at 2 for £20 or £12.99 each. (see recommendation page or click affiliate link for the compost here)

I have mentioned previously that the apple trees which I have in pots were looking a bit weak and I showed how much I have pruned them in an earlier post. This week, I scooped out the top layer of compost and replaced it with some new:

A poor layer of compost!
Nicely topped up!

I am planning to top off the pot with a nice layer of seaweed which should really help boost the nutrient levels. Here’s hoping for a great apple harvest this year – I will of course keep you posted!

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4 responses to “Tackling February gardening jobs and trying a new compost”

  1. I try to make as much of our own compost as I can but Mrs T still has to buy some. I am glad that you got some good stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems no matter how much we make, we always need more!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Maybe if you have a friend or family member who owns a restaurant can save their food scraps for you.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That would be nice!



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