Farewell February

February – it’s time to go,

don’t forget your ice, your snow.

Take your rain and cold dark nights,

grab your wind that stings and bites.

It’s time for March with longer days,

it’s time to see the sun’s bright rays.

We need the bulbs to waken too,

their slumber leaves along with you.

Winter needs you, we need Spring,

it awakens everything.

It tells the buds they need to form,

it signals lambs will now be born.

We feel the burst of energy

from bird to bug and every tree.

So thank you for the part you played

but welcomes can’t be over-stayed.

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3 responses to “Farewell February”

  1. Hello, I was passing by and found your website and subscribed. I enjoyed your wonderful poem post. Have a happy day today.


  2. Beautifully written – such emotion!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I’m so glad you liked it.



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