Do you need a heat mat to germinate seeds? No! Try this cheap and easy alternative instead

As gardeners we are always being told ‘you need a heat mat’ but you really don’t with this cheap and effective method! Heat mats and heated greenhouses are a fantastic addition to a gardener’s tool kit but they are pricey.

The problem is, seeds have a better chance of germinating if there is heat underneath them – so what do you do? Well, I’ve been experimenting and I think I may have found the solution. While I can’t guarantee you 100% success, what I can tell you is I have seen improvements in germination rates in only a few days since using this cheap and easy method.

The secret?

Hot water bottles and hand warmers!

Yes, they need to be re-filled or re-set every so often but that doesn’t take long and the heat actually lasts a lot longer than you think. Oh and I put a sheet of cling film (plastic wrap) over the top to keep in moisture:

Just place your heat source underneath, keep your cling film on top and germination rates should improve.

I really hope you give this a go – let me know if you do!

I lost a lot of seeds last year due to lack of heat so fingers crossed I can improve the odds in my favour this year. Here’s to bumper crops my gardening friends!

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