What a load of cr*p!

I will be the first to admit I’m probably not typical of most women, especially when it comes to what they want for Mother’s Day.

Me? Never happier than when I’m working up a sweat on the allotment. Progress was made my gardening friends, oh yes. Progress. Was. Made. Here is a ‘before’ picture of the bay we were working on:

Focus on the middle bay with the hoops and piles of rubbish! It did improve over the winter from this:

Then this:

Then after a lot of this:

We could finally say the bay was fully prepared for planting our potatoes in this year!

I know what you’re thinking and yes, it is a load of crap and that’s how I spent my Mother’s Day – and I loved it!

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2 responses to “What a load of cr*p!”

  1. Good work. (I was tempted to say holy sh*t, that was good work, but I resisted.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you – I would have appreciated the alternative too!

      Liked by 1 person


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