Keeping life in balance

scales showing the balance in life of good and bad things that happen

The saying goes “things happen in 3s”, but I disagree – I think life has more balance to it than that but not everybody will see it if they keep looking in the wrong place. If you believe the rule of 3, when one bad thing happens, you go through each day looking for the other 2. These things would have happened anyway of course, but it can be easy to see them as proof that the saying is true. I think it’s simpler than that.

Over the past week we have had a mix of good and bad. We haven’t kept a scoreboard to let us know when we’ve reached the magic number, we’ve just taken each event as it comes and dealt with it the best we could. I’ll give you some examples:

  • On the positive side
  • ~ good progress made at the allotment
  • ~ experiment for seed germination working really well
  • On the negative side
  • ~ as I was placing a heavy frying pan onto the cooker hob, my tennis elbow kicked in and I plonked it down harder than I could help. Said hob ring now has a hairline crack in it. (It’s a ceramic hob). I’ve been trying to find out if an electrician can come look at it and repair it – I’ve put duct tape over it meantime so water can’t get in and I remember not to use it.
  • On the positive side
  • ~ I’ve got a slow cooker and steamer to cook with if the cooker is completely out of action.

That small glimpse is what happened in just the last 4 days. There has been good and bad, triumphs and failures. No counting needed, just an acceptance and attitude of carrying on.

Personally, I think it’s important to look for the balance – and I say that as someone who used to only focus on the negative and kept score.

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2 responses to “Keeping life in balance”

  1. I tend to dwell quite a lot on negatives, especially if the weather is too poor for cycling which keeps me cheerful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think for most people tending to the negative is the automatic setting but its good you have your cycling to keep you positive.



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