Spring growth continues to bring optimism

Despite the raging wind outside which is currently blowing objects around the back garden, I still feel a glow of optimism when I see the flowers and leaves developing all around. I’m glad I managed to put a few extra bulbs around a few months ago! Here is what I found before the wind started:

From left to right: Flowering currant, lemon balm starting to come back to life, tulip coming for the one day flower display and wiggly chives.

The forsythia is also coming to life, a welcome burst of colour in a dark corner of the garden.

I like to have a mix of plants for decorative colour and edibles, plus a few trees and bushes – even though I can’t fit a lot in – bearing in mind when we moved here there was nothing but grass, 1 lilac and 1 unidentified bush on the other side of the garden. It has taken a while to get the borders looking fuller and a little more established.

A garden is never finished and I like that. I didn’t used to but I realise there is always room for improvement, always a chance to fix previous mistakes and always a happy surprise or two thrown in somewhere – what else gives you all that I ask you?!

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5 responses to “Spring growth continues to bring optimism”

  1. It is always a good moment when the dark days recede and the first colour appears.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really makes a difference doesn’t it?


  2. I love the sentiment about a garden never being finished. It’s so true! Lovely first flowers, like a little anti-depressant from nature. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I so agree with you – “A garden is never finished . . . “!

    Liked by 1 person


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