Keeping my chin(s) up

Today’s post might not be very long – I am a little under the weather. Actually I’m also sick of the weather.

I woke up the other day and had ‘that’ feeling – the one I know all too well. It means the house isn’t going to be tidy, meals aren’t going to be great and I will need to sleep on the sofa during the day. The first sign is usually I don’t want coffee – Yep, I’m sick.

It’s nothing major, just that ‘I feel horrible and tired and run down’ sort of thing. I am taking all my herbal remedies – the honey, the garlic, the sage and ginger oxymel which makes me want to throw up! One thing I really like however isn’t classed as a remedy but it’s so tasty I’m using it as one – pickled garlic. It’s raw garlic so I figure it might help get rid of whatever is trying to attack my healthiness!

This is where one of my theories comes into play. I have a theory that we should all be just a little overweight – not as much as I am but certainly not stick thin. You see, I have not eaten much for the last 3 days. In fact, during the day, it’s liquids only and a bowl of grapes but I’m not hungry. I know that our body does this on purpose so it can deal with the invaders instead of having to deal with digestion as well and I’m ok with that. My theory though is that for this to go well and for you to make it to the other side with some energy left, you should have some energy ‘stock-piled’ to see you through it.

Am I being 100% serious here? Yes and no. I realise being overweight isn’t healthy but I also know that my reserves keep me going longer than someone who is ‘the ideal weight’. They are ideal when everything is going great but when they have to go a short while without food, they have nothing left in the tank.

This is my usual time of the year to get sick – we are on our Easter break so of course it happens when I actually have time to do my own things! Thankfully, the good Lord has seen fit to give us crap weather so at least I don’t have to feel guilty about not working at the allotment or sorting out a bit more of the garden. I am praying it doesn’t become a chest infection as this can happen very easily and being an asthmatic, it can put me out productive action for a couple of months.

On the plus side, I’m finally learning to crotchet! I needed something to do while sitting very still. I also got a new slow cooker (second hand but still good). I previously mentioned that I was using my multi-cooker more since my tennis elbow helped me drop a pan on the hob and crack it slightly…well I got one more meal out of the multi cooker before the ‘non-stick’ coating decided to bubble up and start peeling away! Tonight however, could be cheese on toast all round – including for the dog!

Well that concludes my pity party for the day, I’m off for another round of ‘tea and tablets’ while I try to do a bit more research for next weeks podcast episode. I would like to be a bit more ahead, in fact, that is what I was aiming for this week but hey, we are off next week too!

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