Easter Sunday Walk

Normally Dearest Son and I go somewhere for a picnic on Easter Sunday, but I still don’t feel 100% and now he has come down with a bit of what I’ve had all week so we decided a little walk around the river and woods would fit the bill.

This of course, was a good excuse to take my ‘new’ camera and see what lovely snaps I could take. It’s been longer than I realised since we did this walk and I saw a huge difference in the area – not a good one. Lots of trees have been cut down and cleared. The place didn’t have the wild and natural feel to it that it used to but despite that, I was trigger happy with the cam:

I confess I took ages watching the deer, they are gorgeous. There’s only 2 of them and they are a regular and very welcome sight to those who walk the woods. By the time we got home, I was feeling refreshed and relaxed – what can I say, I just love those woods!

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4 responses to “Easter Sunday Walk”

  1. How nice to have deer on your walk. My son sees them on his walks in Fife. We have some round us here, but I very rarely see them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Funny thing is there are always 2 of them!


  2. Oh, my spring is arriving in your area and the deer seem to be springing into it too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s been raining ever since!!



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