If the title looks like I’m shouting then you would be correct but it is a happy shout my friends I assure you:

The potatoes are in, I repeat, the potatoes are in. A little while managed at the allotment has produced a small number of what felt like little miracles!

Some of these will look like piles of poo I know but if you look closely on the second one you will see I have laid the potatoes on the ground where they are to be planted. The third photo on the first line shows where we put the extra new potatoes – a job taken on by Dearest Son who then got some manure to put on top. I have to say he was a great help there today.

We had a lovely time up there today – the weather was warm and although it was still quite windy, it was a warm wind. Seeing the progress we have made and the growth of things like the rhubarb really gives the motivation a boost! One final announcement…..The new cover for the greenhouse/polytunnel arrived today! Too windy to do it today but soon, oh yes, it will be done very soon.

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2 responses to “POTATOES!”

  1. Our soil is nowhere near warm enough to put potatoes in yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The thick layer of manure has helped with the heat.

      Liked by 1 person


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