Trying a new method for carrot seeds

The weather has continued to be absolutely rotten all weekend so there was no way an allotment trip was going ahead. Also I have managed to develop what I think is bursitis on my left knee so any sort of kneeling was out of the question. That meant indoor gardening…after making soup, chicken balti and chocolate chip cookies of course!

I’ve been looking at a lot of gardening channels on youtube and I have seen a method for growing carrots which I’m going to try this year as all of my first sowing disappeared last year.

Firstly, you start with a plastic tub, line it with kitchen roll and give it a thorough soaking.

Then you sprinkle your seeds all over, cover them and label, store somewhere warm and wait.

I’m trying 4 different varieties:

Amerdam Forcing


Autumn King


The eagle eyed among you will notice I tried it with some parsnip seeds too! What happens next? You will have to wait and see…unless you’ve tried this method yourself!

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4 responses to “Trying a new method for carrot seeds”

  1. I look forward to seeing your carrot results.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I will be posting the results when I get some!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Looking forward to the progress of this method!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If it works I’ll be delighted as we have a lot of trouble growing good carrots!



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