A quick plot update

We had a very productive plot visit today which I am delighted about! Last time I showed you the last bay we were working on and I still had some weeding left to do in one corner.

Today, not only did I manage to get the weeding finished…..hold onto your hats…..we got more manure and sowed the peas – can I get a woo-hoo or something similar and just as relevant please?

2 wigwams of snow peas and a double row of kelvedon wonder peas
The peas in a nice little U shape, well more like a very rounded J but backwards!
Going to put up more wigwams here

I usually do the double row bean trellis for the runner beans but I have decided to stick to wigwams for all the beans this year so I can have different types. We’ll be using manure for all of them so fingers crossed we will get a much better harvest than last year.

Will this work?!

Found a bramble plant growing so going to see if I can encourage it to grow along the fence – free harvest and security!

So that’s what we got up to today. Actually my arms are a little sore! And here is a sentence I never thought I’d type – exciting carrot news coming soon, stay tuned!

Happy Gardening everyone.

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2 responses to “A quick plot update”

  1. That bramble may be a mixed blessing. We have quite a few in the garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s the last bit in the plot. I’ve been cutting it back but I like the idea of it trailing and as we have had issues in the past the security aspect really appeals.



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