I don’t think I’m cut out for this

I think I’m designed for the country but I’m stuck in a town and some days it suffocates me.

All I want is to hear natural sounds, smell the air around me as it should be. I love nothing more than being in the garden listening – it’s a whole different world and I yearn to be a part of it.

I don’t need to smell your barbeque or hear you kids screaming for no reason. I find myself getting irritated at people, by people!

I’ve accepted I’m not a socialite and I’m at peace with that, though I think to others it comes across as aloof (or, as I’ve been told in the past: stuck up). Nothing could be further from the truth. I just struggle with other peoples’ noise. Sometimes I get up extra early just so I can sit in the house while it’s extra quiet.

Where we live, we are surrounded by people. With people come children, dogs, cars, music, bonfires and don’t forget the strimmers! It all irritates me at the moment.

I would give anything to be able to move us out into the country – to be secluded. They say seclusion isn’t good for you. I say ‘they’ are wrong if it’s in your nature. I keep getting told we’re social animals, well, I tried that and I didn’t like it.

What I think is bad for you is being forced to put up with people you don’t know, to have to put up with their noise and lifestyle. I’ve always been more comfortable around animals than people and now my comfort zone includes plants too. That and my family are all I need and if that makes me anti-social, secluded or any other negative label for that side of me – well, I’m ok with that.

I realise this isn’t the most positive of posts I’ve ever done but I think I’m getting anxious – we will be getting new neighbours soon and I’m dreading it, so I’m withdrawing into my own wee world! I will pop out of it from time to time to keep posting though – still got to finish that polytunnel and hopefully be able to show you it fully covered and stocked….fingers crossed!

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9 responses to “I don’t think I’m cut out for this”

  1. I get it! I call Hubby and I ‘task-oriented introverts’ in the hopes that it will help friends and neighbors understand that it’s not that we are ‘anti-social’ exactly. But they don’t understand, folks around here spend an enormous amount of their lives bound by social activities, which we don’t understand. And we’re way out in the country! A friend of a friend recently told me we might have ‘parasites’ which is the reason we are not more social, I kid you not! Another one referred to introverted folks as being shy, like it’s something we should try to overcome. So, they are allowed to insult us, but are we allowed to say in return something like—why do you waste so much of your precious time and energy on pointless drivel? 😆

    Liked by 2 people

    1. YESSS!!! We are all capable of dealing with people – a very select few! I had a funny feeling you would get this one!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel this so deeply. I have been trying to practice gratitude in my current circumstances but hubby and I were traveling this weekend through rural Virginia and we both expressed a deep longing to get out of this city and go back to rural living. Hopefully this will happen for us in the next few years. I also don’t feel like I need people around me. So many people are energy vampires and all they do is emotionally take take take. My neighbor next door smokes marijuana on her porch every night and it’s all my kids smell when they want to be playing outside. I need the countryside.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Same here – our whole town stinks of it at times. We are close to the countryside and the beach so I shouldn’t be complaining. We keep saying the place is great but some of the people….!!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. We are very lucky with our neighbours so I like living in a quiet part of a quiet town.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m really glad to hear that. It’s nice to know it can work out for folk. Think I’m just getting jittery because we don’t know who we will be getting and we have a feeling it’s not going to be great. Will just need to keep our fingers crossed.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Perhaps this Thoreau quote will give you some peace – “I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” Wishing you many days in the country!😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that quote!

      Liked by 1 person


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