Would you have done this – would you trust your gut instinct?

I mentioned in a previous post about some car trouble we were having and I needed to find a mobile mechanic as I couldn’t move the car to get it to the garage, but it turned out to be a situation which required a lot of trust on both sides.

I found a website for a local mechanic and sent them a message pretty late on Sunday evening. I received a couple of emails on Monday morning advising of cost and availability and also one giving me a mobile number. I phoned up late morning and we had a brief discussion about location, when he could fit me in etc – now here is where it gets interesting and I wonder if you would have done the same thing?

The guy told me that if I arranged the parts with a car parts company in the next town (paying for them over the phone), he would go through as he had to go there anyway, pick up the parts and bring them to my house so he could do the job for me. You know what? I did. There was a very small voice at the back of my head saying ‘what if’ but I went with my gut and waited.

I sent a text telling him that the items were purchased and waiting for him to collect and received a reply saying he wouldn’t be long.

Would you have done that – would you have trusted a complete stranger based on a website and a phonecall?

Half an hour later……..he turned up at our house with the parts needed! To say I was relieved would be a bit of an understatement. Not only did he turn up, he was pleasant, got straight to work and we had a good chat while he worked (with coffee). He even did a diagnostic check on some magic wee box AND fixed a rattle which he noticed and just said ‘hold on, I’ll just sort that’. Now you might be thinking, ‘I bet that cost a kidney’ but no. To my immense surprise it didn’t.

Now it turns out that all this seems to have happened for a good reason, for as the mechanic was working on the engine he noticed a substantial oil leak. He will be coming back next week to sort that but he checked to make sure it isn’t reaching the exhaust pipe (which it isn’t yet), saying ‘if you see smoke or smell burning oil, stop and get out – that can quickly lead to a fire’. I didn’t know about this oil leak as we weren’t seeing evidence of it where I park. It is a slow trickle and it is quite well spread over the inside of the engine but to me it just looked like dirt and I hadn’t realised – and if the car hadn’t had the problems it did and I hadn’t needed to call this guy out, I would not have known about this – maybe until I saw the smoke or smelled the burning.

So, you see, what started out as a minor catastrophe has ended extremely well. Problem solved and a potentially major problem spotted as a result which will be taken care of in a few days. (oh and a rattle has been taken care of too!). All this from trusting that someone I’d never met, would go through to the next town and bring the items I’d paid for back to my house! Bearing in mind, he didn’t know me and had to trust I had actually organised and paid for the parts and he wouldn’t be wasting his time. (We found out through chatting that he only started up his business a couple of months ago!)

I wonder though – would you have trusted? Would you have done the same thing? How many times have you relied on your gut instinct and it has turned out exactly the way it should? Or maybe I should be asking how many times have you ignored your gut instinct and it turned out to be a disaster?!

Image by <a href=”https://pixabay.com/users/johnhain-352999/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=482655″>John Hain</a> from <a href=”https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=482655″>Pixabay</a&gt;

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8 responses to “Would you have done this – would you trust your gut instinct?”

  1. We don’t have a lot of mechanics who will do home visits around here, but it is not at all unusual for mechanics to have the customers order and pay for the parts and then have the shop or mechanic pick them up for the job. My husband is actually in this industry and he has customers all the time ordering parts for their mechanics. I’m so glad you were able to find a solution!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you use a garage here you aren’t allowed to use your own parts, they have to order everything for you which makes it very expensive. You could buy a part from a reputable company, take it to the garage and they still wouldn’t fit it. So finding this guy has been great!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s awesome! Some shops here do that as well and they order the same exact parts you would from the store and heavily mark them up.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Good story with a happy ending, glad to read it! I would’ve trusted as well in this case. I tend to trust my instincts when it comes to dealing with individuals more than with groups or institutions.

    But I’ll share quickly about a former friend who had the worst intuition of anyone I’ve ever met. He got scammed by a Russian ‘mail order’ girlfriend. We were friends at that time and I tried for months to get him to see that she was scamming him. He sent her $ several times before he caught on to it. And then, he fell for it 2 more times with 2 other Russian women online! No joke. It was so bizarre and humiliating and yet even then he just shrugged it off. I found it impossible to be friends with him after that. It’s not easy to be friends with a sucker! 😳

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow! Fool me once….etc. We usually learn from our mistakes so sounds like you made a good call there! If I’d trusted my instincts years ago, I’d never have gotten on the motorbike which subsequently crashed and I hurt my back! Something in my gut told me not to get on but I did it anyway – been trusting my gut ever since. Hard lesson but a very useful one.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad to hear your back rolling down the road! Looks like you found a good one!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mechanics, hairdressers and dentists – need good ones for all of these!

      Liked by 1 person


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