Electroculture Gardening – what is it and can it boost your harvest?

Have you heard of electroculture gardening yet? It’s thought to date back to around the 1700s and seems to be yet another one of those things we discarded into the pit of knowledge – but it’s resurfacing big time.

It is claimed it can boost your harvest by 100- 300% without needing to add extra fertilisers or chemicals. It is even claimed by some that knowledge of this gardening method has been suppressed because you won’t need to buy pesticides, manure and the like – financial conspiracy or gardening jealousy? You decide.

So what is this magical creation all about? Well I’ve done a little digging for us as my curiosity was getting the better of me. I also thought ‘better crops – yes please’. As with all these things I was expecting a mass amount of equipment would be needed but that, happily is not the case.

In very very simple terms, electroculture gardening taps into the earth’s atmospheric energy and sends that to your plants. Sounds a little ‘woo’ perhaps but stick with me because a lot of people absolutely swear by this. What you do is make an antenna which you put in the ground and then leave the plants and the energy to start doing their thing.

At this point, you might be thinking – antenna? What? All you need is a wooden stick/rod/dowling (I’m going to use bamboo canes), then wrap some copper around it, in a clock-wise direction I believe and leave some sticking out the top as the antenna part. It should then be placed 6-8″ into the soil and have your antenna facing magnetic North. Apparently the bigger piece of wood you use, the bigger your plants will grow.

If you are interested in finding out more from the professionals I found a few things you might like to look at:



If you type in “electroculure gardening” in Youtube you will find a lot of videos on the subject too.

I figured I’ve nothing to lose by trying it and if you are looking to increase you harvest or plant health in general maybe it’s something you should consider. If nothing else, our gardens will look very decorative compared to other non-energised ones!

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