Do You Have a Favourite Day of The Week?

Here is why I don’t always jump to Friday.

I was thinking about this earlier today when I worked out which day of the week it actually was. Have you ever spent a whole day thinking it was one thing then finding out it was something completely different and Bingo – you’ve gained a day? That was how it was for me today.

It really got me thinking about how differently we feel just knowing it’s a certain day, which in turn got me thinking about how I could make some of the not-so-popular days feel more positive, for me at least.

MONDAY – Everybody including Garfield likes to hate Mondays which is a pity. Yes, it’s the start of a new working week but it’s a start. It can be the start of a new routine, a clean slate from last week’s mistakes/relapses. It’s a brand new start to a brand new week full of surprises, rewards, challenges and opportunities to grow.

TUESDAY – A bit too close to Monday for most and too far away from the weekend. I am coming to like Tuesday more and more. I try to do a daily to-do list and a weekly one so for me, Tuesday let’s me relax a little. It’s ok if I don’t get everything ticked off the list because I still have all week to get everything done.

WEDNESDAY – I once read Wednesday is the most depressing day – it’s too far away from last weekend and not close enough to the next one. It’s the middle but that doesn’t mean it should be hated. It gives me the push I need to get things sorted. It tells me, “Hey, if you don’t want to spend all day Friday and Saturday doing these things you better get your rear end in gear”. It’s helpful and gentle.

THURSDAY – This is when I feel the energy begin to rise. It isn’t Friday yet so I still have to work through those lists but it feels so close to the weekend I can enjoy it. The only thing is, I have ‘certain jobs’ that I like to be done or well on the way to being completed by Thursday and if they aren’t, I can start to feel the tension building. This is usually when I tell myself ‘the dirt isn’t going anywhere, the ironing isn’t going anywhere’, to try and calm myself.

FRIDAY – This is usually peoples’ favourite even though they are still working hard but the focus is often on Friday night. That’s when we have all that spare time stretching out in front of us and it feels lovely. I do have pretty full Fridays during the day but I am really trying to clear the decks so I can have Saturday to do the things I want to do rather than the things I need to do.

SATURDAY – Blissful day all round. If there is something on locally, we often go for a look but if not we are quite happy to find other things to do. We are ‘home bodies’ really so not going anywhere really suits all of us. This is often when I do my baking, cook something a bit special and tune in to my favourite Youtube channels or watch something with hubby. The key to all things today is relax.

SUNDAY – I love Sunday. No rush, no pressure (if I get my main jobs ticked off that list!). Usually we go to the allotment on Sunday – it’s my therapy and church rolled into one. Yes, I have to make sure the homeschool is planned and I have an idea about meals, appointments and so on for the week ahead but it is manageable.

I wonder how other people feel about certain days: Do you have a favourite or a least favourite? Can we feel more positive about those traditionally disliked days? I hope so – how else can we make the ‘most out of every day’ like we are supposed to if we start it in a negative frame of mind just because of what day it is?

There is more to a day than it’s name.

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5 responses to “Do You Have a Favourite Day of The Week?”

  1. Sunday is my favorite day because we typically go to church and then have a really low key relaxing family day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think Sunday is a favourite for a lot of people.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As my ancient friends tend to say, any day when you actually wake up is a really good day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Or any day that ends in a Y.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Every day since retirement!

    Liked by 1 person


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