Earthing – do you? Should you?

Whether you call it earthing or grounding, what is it and should you be doing it?

The other day I did a post about electroculture which is supposed to help your plants be more healthy but what would you say if I told you there was a way for you to do the same sort of thing (minus the antenna)? Enter the world of grounding (or earthing).

What is it? Well in simple terms it is a way to connect electrically with the Earth. There is still research being done on this to find out what actually happens and why people are finding all sorts of health complaints improving significantly as a result. There appears to be growing evidence about how earthing yourself can decrease inflammation in the body thereby decreasing illness by a measurable amount.

There is a lot more to this obviously but I want to introduce you to the idea if you’ve never heard of it, not write an actual essay on the subject. I do however, have several resources for you to look at if you would like to understand more about the science behind it.

So – how do you do it? Walk barefoot on grass or soil or sand, in fact any natural surface. Just be barefoot.

If it all sounds too good to be true I encourage you to try it for 1 month – just 1 month and see if you feel any of the benefits which are often discussed with grounding.

There is a documentary which I found very interesting on Youtube which you might care to watch as it explains a lot more about what is actually going on:

Here are a few more places which you might find helpful or at the very least, interesting:

Whether you have heard of this before or not, I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on this and whether or not you plan on earthing or grounding yourself.

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6 responses to “Earthing – do you? Should you?”

  1. I watched the documentary and try to go barefoot but I will say I have a set of grounded bed sheets and they made absolutely no difference to me or my husband after 2 months of use.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment, it’s interesting to hear others’ experiences. Everyone else I have spoken to has seen great results so I’m really scratching my head as to why you haven’t had a positive experience.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m wondering if it was because the sheets were an off brand and maybe didn’t work properly. I don’t know. I checked my grounding through the electrical outlet and it was grounded properly.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That was the next thing I was going to ask you. Apparently in the UK our sockets have to be grounded but not so in the US. Have you kept any sort of diary since using it to measure mood or other changes?


  2. Earthing and grounding are so important – keep at it!

    Liked by 1 person


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