I thought I was on a winning streak…but no…

One step forwards two steps back – some days are just like that aren’t they?

The day started pretty well, I was up at a good time, got some of my cleaning done, home-schooling, other things which need done daily: all good.

Come dinner time, I was on a roll and was even happier when I found there was actually some lettuce in the garden which I could pick to add to my salad for dinner (which included home-grown spring onion too). That’s when things changed.

Just as I finished dinner, I moved my chair from the table and heard the sound. The sound which told me the delicately balanced seed tray which had my tobacco seedlings in it, fell when I moved my chair. Apparently my face “was a picture” – direct quote.

I cleaned up what I could and tried my best to save as many of my little green babies as I could. But that was not to be the only disaster of the day. Some time later, I put an extra carton under the one which has my sweet potato experiment growing in it, to catch the water dripping through, you understand. I put it back, went back to finish cleaning the kitchen and heard that noise again.

I went back through and yes, the sweet potatoes were all over the floor, with some of the compost but strangely the tub they were in was sitting nice and upright in the corner behind my chair. Turns out my thoughts of “I’m sure it will be fine to balance that right there”, were not quite in synch with fate…..or gravity!

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