Normal Life Challenges?

The past week has felt more challenging than normal. Maybe its because the summer holidays are drawing to a close and the start of a new homeschool year looms ever closer. Maybe its because I’m a bit under the weather, despite my best efforts to stay healthy – including starting to make kombucha which I’ve never tried before (thank you Katherine at Eden Unlocked!)

Or it could just be that a lot has happened which on their own wouldn’t be too bad but when they all happen at the one time, the stress begins to show.

In a previous post, I’ve mentioned a large bill received from the local council – still ongoing. I tried to get help from several agencies but to no avail although I have another avenue to try this week. Its one of those niggling situations that hangs over you like a financial rain cloud and I just want it sorted out.

On top of that, our car went in for its MOT last Wednesday (5 days ago at the time of writing this). If you don’t know, an MOT is when you are supposed to take your car (annually) to a garage and they check it to make sure its road worthy. In reality, they find a large list of problems and charge you a fortune…..every year. I phoned up today as I’ve heard nothing from them and was told, they were “too busy” to get it fixed yet. They booked in an old car, presumably knowing some work would be needed but now apparently they don’t have the time to fix it! ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you’ was the message received.

As I didn’t have the car last week I decided to do an online order with a large and very well known supermarket chain, to have my groceries delivered. Our son was sick at this point too so I was not getting out of the house and we were needing a lot of the basics. I placed the order on the wednesday to get it delivered on the thursday between 7pm and 9pm. There was no sign of it by 9.30pm! I went online to see who to contact and it turns out it was someone in India – so I phoned up and by 10.20pm I had found out the delivery driver “couldn’t find the address so took the order back to store”. I got an email about an hour later saying the order had been delivered!! I’m still working on getting a refund but was so angry I made a short Youtube video about it which you can find here if you are interested:

On the Friday, I was expecting someone to come collect an air bed I had advertised on one of those free sites – surprise surprise, they didn’t show up either!!

Friday night ended with Scooby having a full blown war with another hedgehog in the back garden – no clear winner was determined. He never learns and I’m still refilling the hole he dug trying to get at the poor thing.

The week did end on a brighter note however as dearest son and I went to see the Highland Games in our town. Look out for a future post for photos and a link to a short video I made about that!

Well all that excitement has me quite worn out so I’m off for a cuppa. I just hope this coming week goes a little easier!

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2 responses to “Normal Life Challenges?”

  1. I can empathize with being under the weather. We have managed to catch a cold and are supposed to be making a trip this coming weekend. I’ve also experienced a similar situation with delivery and them marking it delivered but not delivering. It’s a pain in the butt to try to get it resolved. I have always wanted to see the Highland Games, I can’t wait to see that post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Katherine, thanks for your comment! The Highland Games post will be coming very soon – it was a great day out. I’m still working on getting my refund for the order but I managed to get the number for the manager of that department so I will keep at them till its resolved!!

      Liked by 1 person


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