A dog who loves presents

Our dog, Scooby, loves presents, whether they are his or not. His birthday is the 23rd December and yes he does get birthday presents which he rips into with great enthusiasm.

Before Christmas, he was sniffing around the Christmas tree and the presents underneath it, like a shark hunting for food. On the big day itself, when he realised those presents were now getting opened, he could hardly contain himself. He went round like a toddler, offering to ‘help’ everyone open their gifts and once or twice we had to stop him when his excitement took over and he tried to help himself to something from under the tree.

I did try to get some pictures to show you – they are blurry, he moves fast.

So the best thing I can do is show you this short clip which gives you an idea of just how much he loves presents. Its a little dark and the camera isn’t great but you’ll get the idea!

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5 responses to “A dog who loves presents”

  1. It is good to give a present that is appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, goodness. What a baby.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t be fooled by him…he is a master manipulator!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL! Aren’t they all.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. A four-legged bundle of joy!



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