Changes Within

There are changes I’ve noticed in my body;

My arteries are now highways for hormones,

my joints are community centres for pain,

fat cells find new homes – daily

and always bring their friends.

I have someone elses face,

I’m not even sure all those thoughts are mine.

I’m sure I’ve tasted motivation,

but can ‘t remember the flavour.

I get tired before I tick of my ‘to-do’ list.

My back has become my greatest enemy,

as it gathers reinforcements,

from the regiments of hip, knee and shoulder.

They say I need to eat less

but I want more.

They say I need to move more

but I have an army of pain.

I get sad for no reason,

even though I try real hard to stay

in the happy camp.

I’m never comfortable,

be it in clothes or bed.

This all crept up on me –

slowly but all of a sudden,

with a silent fanfare,

and no invitation.

I hope this guest leaves soon.

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2 responses to “Changes Within”

  1. Well written – wish your health and happiness!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you – and to you also!



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