His name is Livingston

There are a couple of people I have come across on Youtube recently who I would really love to share with you. The first one is a young man with a huge talent.

His name is (Drake) Livingston and I have spent the last weekend listening to his music which I can’t get out of my head. The woman in this ‘short’ is his mum. If you don’t already know him, please check him out – you are in for a real treat!

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4 responses to “His name is Livingston”

  1. I love his mum’s reactions!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too, they seem like a very supportive family. From what I’ve read, he was diagnosed with autism at around 11, picked on at school, suffered badly with anxiety – and now makes amazing music!! He deserves to go far.


    1. If you like that one, you should listen to the one he did called ‘Last man standing’. I burst into tears the first time I heard it! Great voice, powerful lyrics.

      Liked by 1 person


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