The Final Polytunnel Update

In the last update I gave you on the polytunnel, I showed you the very basic structure I had managed to get together using whatever I could get my hands on.

Well hold on to your chair friends because I am delighted to announce: IT’S FINISHED!!

Is it perfect? Absolutely not. The pipes lean backwards because I didn’t have anyone to help me make sure they were straight! It is also a little lower than I was aiming for – it’s ok for me at 5′ 4″ but anyone taller would struggle! I didn’t want to go too tall because that would block the kitchen window but I think I would chance it and go a little higher next time.

Having said all that, it’s mine and I built it myself – out of scrap. All in I think it has cost me about £20. I don’t know if it will survive a heavy downpour, never mind the winter, but at the moment the plants and I are very happy in our new little home.

Another trench to bury the cover!
I didn’t do this all on the same day like last time.
The back wall
Happy plants!
It really is warmer and sheltered in here
Left side
Right side

It’s held together with duct tape and hope and I need a little more woodchip for the floor (there is a GIANT stone underneath and the tip sticks out – yes I did try to dig it out and it wasn’t happening).

I used bubble wrap for the sides as high as I could get and it really does make it warm.

Just in case it falls apart if a bird sneezes though, I think I will start saving for a ‘proper’ one for some time in the future!

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4 responses to “The Final Polytunnel Update”

  1. That looks like really good value. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I must admit I’m really enjoying pottering about in it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I admire your resourcefulness!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I admit that is one of my more positive traits!



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